Here is the first episode:
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
During My Day...
Here is the first episode:
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Procession of the Species
the matching video.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
TV Memories
After a little bit of searching, I found the episode on youtube. But an even greater find was the discovery that SAMUEL L. JACKSON is the character Jamal's dad. In the very first episode he pops up and is moving stuff around in Jamal's Grandmother's basement. Nice. Plus he immediately starts slinging around the sarcasm on a kids show. Even better.
The one thing these clips showed me is that I will always hate that Lenni character.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
But then I came home and went a-surfin' on the nets. That's when I discovered that Jessie had posted the story of U-Dorm's tragic night on her blog. Jessie does complete justice to the epic state of affairs. Keep in mind that the whole thing went down from about 10:30 when we got there until 2:30 am when we left to sleep at Jessie's apartment. During this time I called Ben in an attempt to figure out where his cleaning supplies were stashed in the apartment only to find out that there wasn't really anything beyond paper towels, air freshener and plastic lavender garbage bags called Rufies (like the drug). Plus, Jessie and I got to sleep at about 3 am and then woke up at 7. That was a long day. Amazing.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
You've Been Swarmed!
Ahhhh I'm covered in bees!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
The O-Farm
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Friday, April 11, 2008
The Place: My Room at 10:00 PM
Then I watched My Neighbor Totoro. I watched it when I was little little, but I didn't remember an ounce of it. It's a great movie. At this point my eyes are glazed, and I'm tempted to sleep on the couch because my room seems so very far away. But I decide to let Monty out for a last minute romp while I get ready for bed. I had some clothes on my bed from sleeping over at Jessie's last night so I just pulled the jammy pants from the top of the pile and put them on. I start picking things up off the floor when I realized that the knee and hip of my pants are wet. That's odd. And then I thought, slower this time
I'm Scheming...
And the tree in our front yard bloomed today! I don't know what it is but between it and the plum tree next to it everything smells heavenly outside.
Nests for the Hannah Bird
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Light 'Er Up!
Today in my Beekeeping class we learned that you
a.) don't exhale when bees are mad, so very mad.
b.) when you have a "bad" hive (meaning they're just plainly evil little buggers) you kill the queen and
c.) when you light something on fire starting at the bottom of whatever it is, you then rotate your hand so that it's not above the flames that are slowly licking their way towards your easily cooked flesh. Genius.
We started our first day by looking at the bees in their little wooden hives, then we got to put on the safari hats covered in netting, then we got to take them off, and then we got to play with the smokers. A beekeeping smoker looks like a french press and the Tin man from the Wizard of Oz got together and started a steamy little family. What you do is you find about a 4in x 5in bit of burlap sacking and you loosely roll it up. Then, holding the roll in your hand you take a lighter and begin to light the bottom on fire.
Monday, April 07, 2008
Sunday, April 06, 2008
The Killing
Who Knew I Had a Type?
People of this type tend to be: enthusiastic, talkative, and outgoing; clever, curious, and playful; deeply caring, sensitive, and gentle; highly innovative, creative, optimistic, and unique; adaptable and resourceful but sometimes disorganized.The most important thing to ENFPs is freedom to see possibilities, make connections, and be with a variety of people.
That sounds about right. Just about perfectly right. The careers that the test tells me I would like are pretty much spot on to what I think I would like:
- Journalist/magazine reporter
- Graphic Designer (uh oh... sounds familiar don't it?)
- Art Director
- Copywriter
- Psychologist
- Inventor (yeah.. that's right. Gonna invent me a diaper for rabbits pretty soon)
- Human Resources Professional (I don't know what this is and Monster isn't about to tell me)
In addition to Monster's list, also tells me I would like being a/an:
- Child welfare counselor
Beyond that, the lists are identical. I'm not sure if they just copy and pasted the list from each other or if it's just a crazy coincidence. On a related note there are two other links from the ENFP description that caught my eye.
The first was "How to Love an ENFP" which was amusing. It's vaguely right. I do like harmony, and I like being encouraged to do stuff, but that's all pretty basic I think.
Anyway, the second list was "How to Communicate with ENFP's".
This list says that ENFP's are easy to spot because they are:
- High energy, friendly, and good natured.
- Imaginative, fun loving, and off beat
- Curious; discussions shift quickly from one topic to another
- Warm, concerned, and eager to help solve problems
Also, the tips for actually communicating with my crazy species are pretty great:
- Focus on interesting and innovative possibilities and new ways of solving problems
- Don't overwhelm them with facts and details
- Keep things relaxed, warm and flexible
All in all I'm a little unnerved that everything I thought consisted of what made me a little unique could so easily be put into a few words from a four question personality quiz. As much as I hate to admit it, these are all pretty true. Just talk to me for ten minutes and see how long I stay on-topic... that should show you how right this whole doodle was.
Oh Monty....
I had carefully set my film canister lid full of paint, carefully mixed from the different containers in precise ratios, on my floor. You then decided to walk right through it. I didn't realize what had happened until I notice your attractively pink trail, wandering through my room. In a blind panic I grabbed for you.
With a great THUMP you launch yourself away from me by slamming your paint-laden feet into my stomach. My eyes bulge as I watch you sail through the air, free with your pink toes. With blinding speed a shoot after you and catch you in mid-air. It's true, you may be a ninja-bunny, but I'm the master. You scrabble at my arms, leaving behind sweeping pink smears up my sleeves.
Now you sit in your cage, convinced that I'm after you for no good reason, unaware that your feet contain damning pink paint that now decorates my oatmeal colored carpet. My hands are pink, my shirt, I think, is irrevocably Montied and somehow my left eyebrow is also pink and all I can do is sit here and laugh every time I look at my carpet.
The stain remover has taken care of the mess, but the look on your face as I suddenly tackled you is imprinted in my memory forever.
I think this is a sign that I'm just not meant to shift myself from a slouchy-sitting position on the couch. The cookie crumbs on my shirt leftover from the sacrificial cookie I nabbed from the freezer agree with me. Damn.
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Banana Bread

Looking so innocent, just after he tried to chew a hole in my shirt because he smelled banana.
Anyway, we went in so I could try to oogle the price and I saw this little white ceramic piggie pourer. Star got him for me for a birthday/helping her move present and now I have the beginnings of a nice little ceramics collection.
I visited Star's newly unpacked and arranged room at her new house. I got to play with Mitmit (I think that's the cat's name (one of four)) who is a very tiny and very angular kitty. I took the bus home, got a little wet but it worked out well. I got in the door and remembered that I put some of the bananas I'd stuck in the freezer when they went past yellow out on the counter for banana bread (I don't like them once they pass green, but since Monty is such a big fan of morning bananas I've been putting them on my cereal so I don't taste the non-greenness as much, but these had gone past yellow into the brown/black range so I froze them, hoping they wouldn't self-destruct in the freezer) and just left them there to go meet Star. The bananas had melted and turned into weird slug/flaccid nastiness in brown water in their bag. I was a little squimish but it's nothing compared to cleaning out the shower drain for the first time in about eight months (something else I did recently, but let's just say that that wasn't something that needed to have its picture taken, so no blog). I sucked up my courage and closed my eyes as I dumped what looked like banana-scented intestines into a measuring cup and mashed away. I put in the two eggs that the recipe called for and got a bit of sick delight as it turned into a crazy science fair experiment. The mad scientist in me comes out when I'm baking so as gross as the bananas looked, I kind of wish there were more to play with.
The banana bread is in the oven, I'm in my cozy socks with a hot cup of chai + cocoa and marshmallows next to me, Monty is napping on top of my feet, licking my ankle occasionally and I have my new favorite song Sentimental Heart by She & Him playing.
It's been a good day.
*this book by the way, is amazingly detailed and easy to read. Who knew so many things happened in the Fifties? Well, they did.
Bees Knees
For a total of 16 credits I'll have class on:
Monday: 6-9:30
Tuesday: 10-12, 3-5 and 5:30-9:30
Wednesday: 6-9:30
Thursday: 3-5
One of the cool things is that the Research class from 5:30-9:30 only meets for five weeks and then we're done, so pretty much once April is done I will have a better, more manageable schedule. Cuz the way things are here, Tuesdays are grueling.
At the end of the beekeeping class (and if I pass all the tests during the quarter) I should have an apprentice beekeeping license, which would rock.
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Here are some of my favorite shops:
Morning Glori (little stuffed critters)
Tiny Meat (wallets)
Liza Rietz (cool hats)
Bibelot Forest (funky skinny-legged creatures)
Fantastic Toys (funky paper crafts)
Mary and Jane (the bling bling)
Kim Westad (pottery, of the neat variety)
Ali J (illustrations)
Wawaya (little bunny creatures)
Lupin (felted goodness)
Simone Walsh (jewelry)
Kniffin Pottery (awesomely creepy baby pottery)
John Clark (cool printwork)
Squidge (quirky little pig-dog people)
Spiderbite Boutique (Monster Books!)
Fiery Lion Designs (jewelry)
The Black Apple (artwork and plushies)
These are all shops of people who I like all of there work. I like some things individually of others, but sometimes these get taken down so I won't post them. I think you can see my favorites through my shop on etsy.
My shop:
Hammy (knitted things, and more to come once I get up off my lazy-bones and do it).
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Welcome to Evergreen
- Women in Washington State Legislature
- Bipolar Disorder
- Transgendered parenting
- Pack behavior in canines
- Organizational Change
- Lost years of Jesus/Historical Jesus
- Spanish Civil War
- Deaf Culture
- Self-help Books
- Food insecurity in America
- Marketing
Now, these are the topics we came up with during the first 4o minutes of our 4 hour class. We kind of messed around with them, did some exercises and I wound up with the slightly narrower question "How is language used within the education system?" More specifically, I want to look at the words the school officials use to define deafness and how that shapes their policy with dealing with children with disabilities within their schools. In the Puget Sound area, and in many places within the U.S. there are deaf schools set up. Deaf students from the surrounding school districts are sent to these schools, however, once the schools realize how much money is spent on the transportation, education and the materials for these students that could be spent within their own schools, the children are usually recalled back to the public schools. Only deaf students with behavioral problems are sent to special residential schools. Anywho, that's what I came up with after four hours. I have five weeks to change my mind and mess about with it some more.