Today was the Procession of the Species parade in Olympia. I definitely went
last year and there's no WAY I'd miss this year's. Turned out to be a good choice. Evan and I started to walk down around 3, got there at about 3:30 thanks to Evan's crazy fast walking pace, got some sorbet because it was weirdly hot/cold outside. The parade didn't start until 4:30 and it took just under an hour to reach us at the end of its route. The cool thing was, however, that people came down the street with wheel-barrows full of free sidewalk chalk. How cool is that? By the time Star and Ben found us I'd already nabbed a couple of sticks, but then between Star and I we managed to collect the full spectrum of colors. Ben was all for letting the little kids get first dibs, but they're like little squirrels or vultures, swooping down and hoarding all the good stuff. Little hoarders. That's right, I'm not impressed by their cuteness, I know what goes on in their little brains. I was one once, you know.
Anywho, this is Ben drawing with our pilfered chalk.

So pretty.

But even prettier shoes!

Star took a ten second nap while we waited, and waited... and waited for the parade to get all the way down to the park.

The Salmon are here! The Parade has officially begun with a bunch of salmon in the street.

This lady was definitely into the whole horse idea. I much prefer when people are really into their costumes than if they just decided to throw a pair of hot pants, some neon nylons and a
spaghetti strap shirt with face paint smeared on for good measure, and walk down the street. You're not a species, you're a person with not enough clothing on, that's who you are mister.

This is definitely a Collin-sloth. SWEET. Good job

Zebra. Not pronounced
Zeee-bra, but ZEB-rah. That's the way we do it, thank you very much.

This guy was a banana slug. Amazing.

Ants. Star and I decided that one of the ant people was Jack
Longino, one of the entomology instructors at Evergreen, and our faculty sponsor for our beekeeping contract. Go Jack!
Raarrrrrrr.... kitty wants to play.

Man-riding Gorilla!

I think there should have been a squelching sound accompanying this


Not a crab. A very serious little.... bird?
Vrooommmmm! Goes the sea turtle.

Flower people. Ben has decided that it's not entirely appropriate for flowers to be hanging around so many bees. It's a little naughty...

BEES! You're covered in BEES!

CHICKEN! That deserves capital letters.
Lizardman , getting up close and personal.

I don't know what's more frightening, the aging
hippy in the fly suit, or the fly suit itself.
He actually made that little boy scream when he made a *
buxzzzzxxzz* sound.

The belly dancing picture and....
the matching video.
love it! could i get a full-size of ben coloring? it doesn't have a link to a larger picture. star dot bjorge at gmail dot com
WOW! This is fun - I direct the belly dance troupe in the video and we had so much fun doing this -- we definitley plan on it for next year!!! We'll be 'air' next time around!!
Kashani of Mas Uda Dancers
Olympia, WA
Thanks for blogging the Procession! I appreciate seeing the pictures, because I didn't get to go. Larisa
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