I registered on Monday. I thought, wrote down and then set an alarm that said I was to register on Wednesday the 12th, not Monday the 10th. So I was diddling around in class, when I noticed on the website that my time ticket was for that day at 8 a.m.! I paniced and registered for the two classes I knew I wanted to take and then threw in the closest relevant class I could find which just happened to be the only class that works with the other two time slots. What luck. Plus I think the research class would be good to have if I do go into library science or something. We'll see. Anywho, here are the classes.
The Fifties, Fab and Fraught. (8 credits)
6-9:30 Mon & Wed.
"Popular culture has recast the 1950s, creating a picture of stability, predictability and tradition in the decade that preceded the turbulence of the 1960s. Students in this program will study the history and culture of the 1950s in the United States , examining a more complicated picture of the decade. The Civil Rights Movement changed American lives, the Cold War shaped politics, music helped define new identities. Only a few years after the end of WWII, the United States was involved in the brutal conflict in Korea . Constitutional guarantees were challenged by the House Un-American Activities Committee, with Joseph McCarthy (and Richard Nixon) assuming lead roles. Artist and writers pushed conventional boundaries while television enshrined the conventional. Students in this program will read fiction of the decade, history, and cultural analysis. We'll study film, television and music. We'll explore the decade within the context of its own history and time-and think about how it has influenced us today."
(This class will be fun. I've already taken two of Susan Precsiso's classes and I love her, and this quarter she's team teaching with the choir instructor Marla Elliot so it'll be a combination of music, history and all sorts of fun things from the 50's).
ASL (American Sign Language) II (4 credits)
3-5 Tue & Thu.
"Students will focus on broadening their vocabularies, conversation skills and using appropriate and accurate ASL grammar, with emphasis on the non-manual aspect of communication. There will also be continued study of deaf culture and invitations to deaf events in this area. "
Doing Research (2 credits)
5:30-9:30 Tue. April 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
"Students will learn how to translate their deepest interests into viable research projects, bring order to their thoughts, formulate good questions and hypotheses, develop promising strategies, and use traditional and electronic sources. Work will include writing several sections of a research prospectus and learning how to use the marvelous fund of information and expertise in the college's library. The aim is to cultivate both the skills and motivation to do research on a long-term project."
For a total of 14 credits (I didn't realize the research class was only two, which means I'll have to take at least 10 credits this summer to graduate).
So for Spring quarter I'll have class on:
Monday: 6-9:30
Tuesday: 3-5 and 5:30-9:30
Wednesday: 6-9:30
Thursday: 3-5
A Book Wheel
The Bookwheel, invented in 1588 by Italian engineer Agostino Ramelli, was a
heavy, 600-pound wooden rotating bookcase that let scholars easily use up
to ei...
1 comment:
hannah ... I swear I saw some kind of comment on Chuck Norris in your blog
so I share this
star's mom
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