Today started off alright. It wasn't great, nothing exceptional, just
ok. I had my oatmeal, put Monty in the yard and read five chapters of
The Fifties by David
Halberstam for class.* At about 2:30 Star told me to meet her at the Olympia Transit center at 3 so I threw some clothes on, scooped Mr. Monty up and put him away and then walked into town. I took a different way through my neighborhood than I usually do and as I got to
Eastside road I spotted two VERY cool things in people's yards. On my left I spotted a bunny cage with a very large and very happy looking black
rex rabbit, so we have rabbit's in our neighborhood! And I also spotted someone with two chickens in a pen, happily chirping to themselves about all the
tastey bugs the rain was driving out of the ground. Both of these things made me very happy. My day was slowly moving up to "pretty good". I made it to town exactly when it started to rain for serious which bumped up my mood from "pretty good" to "I'm pretty damn talented" because it takes talent to out walk imminent rain in
Oly. I met Star outside of The Reef diner and we headed south towards Canvas Works (which was the whole point of this little journey). On the way we stopped in at this little shop called the
Tea Lady that sells all things tea. I saw this (I almost died, trust me) white tea pot in the shape of a chickadee. I love it so much that I think I might have to go back tomorrow and get it. I won't use it, which is what kept me from getting it instantly, but I can't stop thinking about it which is a sure sign that I think I need it. I really do. Sigh...
Anyway, we went in so I could try to
oogle the price and I saw this little white ceramic
piggie pourer. Star got him for me for a birthday/helping her move present and now I have the beginnings of a nice little ceramics collection.

All of this bumped today into the "unreal" realm. After all this we went to the yarn store. I
really want to make this sweater (
photo 1,
photo 2) so I went a-hunting for the yarn. Turns out
the yarn that works is about 8.50 per skein. I need about 8 skeins. So.... as much as I want to and as badly as I want it, I just can't justify that right now. Maybe if I get the library job I applied for, but between gas and other things I have to wait. The good thing about knitting is that the yarn doesn't really go bad, and I'll always have the pattern so I can come back to that dream another day. I did get two balls of yarn though because they were gorgeous colors and the only two left, THAT was justifiable, I guess. I also got some more wool roving so I can make some more critters and maybe put them up on
I visited Star's
newly unpacked and arranged room at her
new house. I got to play with
Mitmit (I think that's the cat's name (one of four)) who is a very tiny and very angular kitty. I took the bus home, got a little wet but it worked out well. I got in the door and remembered that I put some of the bananas I'd stuck in the freezer when they went past yellow out on the counter for banana bread (I don't like them once they pass green, but since Monty is such a big fan of morning bananas I've been putting them on my cereal so I don't taste the non-
greenness as much, but these had gone past yellow into the brown/black range so I froze them, hoping they wouldn't self-destruct in the freezer) and just left them there to go meet Star. The bananas had melted and turned into
weird slug/
flaccid nastiness in brown water in their bag. I was a little
squimish but it's nothing compared to cleaning out the shower drain for the first time in about eight months (something else I did recently, but let's just say that that wasn't something that needed to have its picture taken, so no blog). I sucked up my courage and closed my eyes as I dumped what looked like banana-scented intestines into a measuring cup and mashed away. I put in the two eggs that the recipe called for and got a bit of sick delight as it turned into a crazy science fair experiment. The mad scientist in me comes out when I'm baking so as gross as the bananas looked, I kind of wish there were more to play with.
The banana bread is in the oven, I'm in my cozy socks with a hot cup of
chai + cocoa and marshmallows next to me, Monty is napping on top of my feet, licking my ankle occasionally and I have my new favorite song Sentimental Heart by She & Him playing.
It's been a good day.
*this book by the way, is amazingly detailed and easy to read. Who knew so many things happened in the Fifties? Well, they did.
What kind of yarn does it need? Exactly?
it's DK weight wool yarn (slightly lighter wieght than worsted). I found some fantastic yarn that's Berroco Ultra Alpaca... absolutely gorgeous for $8.90. A total steal, but still too expensive. Le sigh...
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