Sunday, August 31, 2008
Busy Fingers
I'm thinking I'd like to make
a garbage can,
a bowl
or, some other time, this rug. It's not out of magazines but recycled blankies instead.
Oh Olympia, You Crazy Thing You....
What started this post was not the move itself, but the fact that I’m going to miss Olympia and all of its crazy ways. For example, The Hall of the Woods. I didn’t post about this before because I forgot and after a while it didn’t seem THAT crazy, but thinking back on it, it was a little exotic. About a week or so ago I got a call from Bed and Star about going to a performance-artish-thing. I wasn’t doing anything and this was before Katherine and Peter got back so I’d been hanging out at the house with Monty embroidering all day, every day, PLUS these tend to turn into mini-adventures which are always fun. We decide to go. We left late, arrived late but everything started REALLY late. Then again, I don’t think it counts as late if everyone’s running on this crazy thing called “Olympia Time” which means everything is delayed by at least an hour. So really, they were right on time. But let me back up a little.
We’re driving to this place called the Hall of the Woods, which is where Missoula Oblongata was scheduled to perform (late). We’re driving… and driving and driving. It’s not far but everything is getting more rural and shady the further out we get. Finally, we wind up in this woodsy area when all of the sudden this old purple-ish barn looms up on our left. “Hey guys… I think that was it.” And it was. It’s this crazy purple barn with little lights hanging from the porch and a couple of Greeners hanging around smoking in the front. It’s getting dusky and we pull around to the side and park at the end between an old rickety truck and some blackberries. The four of us get out and look at each other. Behind the barn is a canoe that’s being worked on, there’s a wild-looking garden in front of the car and then on the other side of the truck is a folding table FULL of large bones. Like deer sized. Ben grabs a chunk of vertebra about an inch-and-a-half tall (that’s definitely big enough to be a deer… or something) and holds it up “Cool! Oh… these are a lot of bones!” There’s a lot of enthusiasm in that sentence, and all I can do is quietly hum that banjo music while I size up the mountain of bones, trying to estimate how many critters it took to fill it up. We walk around to the front and squeeze past the Greeners debating something or other, onto the porch and into the barn.
The barn, it turns out, looks like someone lives there. You walk in and it’s a huge, semi-finished space. The roof is mostly a series of huge tarps with some sort of insulation, there’s some furniture, a booth from a diner or something to the side and a giant parachute hanging from the ceiling. The parachute is glowing and looks a bit like a jelly fish with a light stuffed inside. There’s a kitchen and above the kitchen a loft-bedroom area. There are Greeners sprawled out across a couple of couches and there’s a tv with it’s insides yanked out to make room for a fern. We sit down at the diner-booth beause Star’s found a kitty there which needs an intense amount of cuddling.
(Cuddle cuddle)
While we’re waiting for things to happen we watch a couple of kids play with a pretty cute muttly-dog. The kids are wearing all sorts of clothes that look like they’ve been pulled out of a costume chest. Ones in footie pj’s (and it looks like he might just live in them), and another is wearing a peasant blouse, long skirt and bright red shoes. They look like they’re having fun but between them and the dog (which later turns into six muttly dogs) everything still feels a little sketch. Finally the music starts and then Oblongata goes on. It was a neat little three-person performance involving themes like: math, fortune cookies, eggs from space, astronomy, relationships… etc. Afterwards Star bought this print of people you could call around the U.S. who are experts on random things. You could call them anytime and ask them any question (as long as it pertains to their subjects) and just be a kooky Greener whenever you felt like it. As we pulled away from the pile of bones and the growing number of happy Greeners, dogs and children I felt pretty good about the way things are again. In that little bubble, life was good. If only movies and books wouldn’t tell me otherwise. Something tells me it would be harder to find a Missoula Oblongata outside of Oly.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Uhhhhhh.... Right
The Dungeon Elevator
The Dungeon of Scratchy Violins
Ok, so you know that I took that beekeeping class two quarters ago? Well, you also know how the bees have been disappearing (which is so much more important than global warming, really, global warming won't even matter if we don't get our bees back in business)? Well, I found this video on Swissmiss today. AMAZING! I'm still giggling a little....
On The Wide Open Road
Episode 1:
The Continental Crawler: Episode One from Michael Cogliantry on Vimeo.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
VBS Strikes Again
Welcome to Judgement
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Ahhhh... To be Three
And remember more about Star Wars than I ever have at one time. I always just remember bits and pieces and then jumble them up.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
So Jesus, What did You Learn in School Today?
Part 1:
Part 2:
Best quote:
Lady: "Because to kill a man, you need a snake with a much bigger bite radius." ZooKeeper: "Well, Bite MY Radius! Ladius!"
Part 3:
Thanks youtube!
Too Cool for School!
Felted Wool Stones! For a second I thought they were enormous felted rocks, because I've seen small felted pebbles which are small rocks with wool felted around them, or even felted soaps, but these Viva Terra creations looked outta this world. So cool!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
Mind the Greenery, Dear
Now, you may ask, "How do you remember that guy after so long?" Answer: I don't, there's ALWAYS a guy with dreads and bad tattoos on the bus so I figure it's a pretty safe bet that that's the reason I spotted the goats in the first place. And NOW you might be asking yourself "Did she just say goats?" Answer: Why yes, yes I did.
We were driving past one of those bioswales or whatever, you know... the giant grassy valleys they put next to parking lots to trap water and such in, when I noticed large, brown, furry things running around among the blackberries and tall weeds. And THEN I saw the sign hanging on the chain link fence surround the swale-ness. Goat Trimmers. Amazing! Someone had rented out goats to trim their city-mandated mess of greenery. Now THAT'S dedication! I mean really... just look at their crazy prices, but imagine how many cool-points you could score from your friends, or these people by going THAT green!? Of course, it does require a truck and trailer to transport said ruminant bodies to places like the Target parking lot I first spotted them in, but meh, who cares? They're GOATS!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008

And here's my sketch of him before I started the actual embroidering.
Anywho, that's what I've been doing. I'm starting to have sewing dreams so I think it's time to pause for a day or so.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Hey, YOU.
Mommy and dad say "NO no no!" to this newest mammalian intrigue so I'm calling on all of you who read this. Do you have a little extra room in your heart and house for this little guy for... oh.... 8 more years? PLEASE!? Sigh...
Friday, August 15, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
And then I went outside to check my garden like I do most mornings... just to see if that darn tomato has turned red yet. It hadn't, but I discovered about ten little baby tomatoes starting to bulge up on various limbs, so that's exciting.
Oh, and before I forget, our yard is covered in spiders. They like to build webs between the trees, bushes, ferns, grass, twigs... anything! I just trundle right through their efforts every day, but they don't really seem to care. So the picture above is of one of our ten million web-building-spiders. The other ten million just happen to be located inside the house, so I'll spare you those pictures. I've manage to catch and release about five of them, the rest are hanging out on our vaulted ceiling, well out of reach.
And these are my two remaining broccoli plants. The other ones bolted and had only the tiniest broccoli on them anyway. While I don't think I'll ever grow broccoli again for food, I will grow them for decoration because they really are weirdly rubbery blue plants.
This, however, is pretty cool just for tech-sake. This guy took a fish tank and some mineral water and made a fish tank computer.
Monday, August 11, 2008
I Feel Sad Inside...
The Dating World at it's Best
I Met the Walrus
Taken from youtube: "In 1969, a 14-year-old Beatle fanatic named Jerry Levitan, armed with a reel-to-reel tape deck, snuck into John Lennon's hotel room in Toronto and convinced John to do an interview about peace. 38 years later, Jerry has produced a film about it. Using the original interview recording as the soundtrack, director Josh Raskin has woven a visual narrative which tenderly romances Lennon's every word in a cascading flood of multipronged animation. Raskin marries the terrifyingly genius pen work of James Braithwaite with masterful digital illustration by Alex Kurina, resulting in a spell-binding vessel for Lennon's boundless wit, and timeless message."
In other words: "Brilliant!"
Sunday, August 10, 2008
1.) I decided to visit my parents for the weekend to drop of some of my things in preparation for the big move at the end of August.
- But first I needed to clean the house because our land-lady started showing the house for potential future renters.
- But MORE first, Katherine and Peter left on Wednesday morning (5 a.m.) and didn't wind up cleaning before they left... so I cleaned the whole house.
- I left on Thursday night so that meant I cleaned all morning Wednesday before and between work and then again on Thursday morning before hopping on my bike to catch the bus at 9:10 a.m.
2.) I get all that done, pack up everything I'm going to take home and stack it neatly in the garage so that I can load it up easily and quickly (I even line up all the plants by the back door so that I can put them in and go).
3.) I remember the plants, Tic Tac, Monty, my giant thing of hot cocoa mix... even Peter's Wii which I totally "borrowed" for the weekend, but conveniently forgot everything I had stacked in the garage. Essentially, I made that whole trip for nothing (if my purpose is still to bring things home before the end of the month).
4.) I only realize this when I pull up and Mom says "Oh... is that it? Huh..."
5.) and I think "Damn... "
6.) We do things all weekend. Made a pie, at some pie, saw my grandparents, left TicTac, got a "you really should water plants, honey" talk and then watched some scary/beautiful/insane Olympic Opening Ceremony and loafed around the house.
7.) I packed up everything to leave today, did some homework (some being the operative word here) and then drove all the way back home after getting gas.
8.) Why is she continuing this list if she's just getting gas and going home? Well, I started driving and realized about 115 miles afterwards that I had forgotten all of the games for Peter's Wii at home. I KNEW that was going to happen. The very fact that I even THOUGHT about bringing the game system home guaranteed that I would leave something. And I did.
9.) Double damn.
10.) Now I'm entering into negotiations with my parents to send the games back up here via mail instead of having them wait until they come to help me move. Oh please?! Oh pretty pretty PLEASE?
Monday, August 04, 2008
Beginning of said e-mail:
"Or alternate? no was. An unparalleled at exile. I inevitable To kohl. Or in glaze. Be is stringent. so to coercion artery penicillin. contextual by nirvana. No susceptibility an patient. Of unity? Or or breathtaking rough. No literate To cartilage. Or contradiction. Of no visionary. As be helm append soundtrack. nowadays by dominant. as light, star go cursed.It cling? no A. A gall as enter. It pointer her seaport. With the utter. To my blazer. it or restrict mosque calender. hefty so hank.
his trail? my But. you sequencing no bordeaux. With tester In announcer. Is of buckle. At my loss. Go is wacky poser stellar. nationalist no audible. I acuity of marvel. her capitalism? Is as respectful particular. Go control That prof. For grave. by a foreword. But so chromosome pong glucose. telephony at pointed. he ingenious, ironing my funk.
To independence. Which he packer, swain. It grange almond. To join by painting fanatic. An on confidential facet impasse. daddy the gasp. spawn waive a deadlock. And as riff badminton. Or it an kangaroo to foundations. He be magical. I he calvary resurgence unheard. For on younger pore byzantine. fodder by ramp. aggressive do empathy rocker. A logistics. But latter lump blackboard.
I by be calf on unbound. so by achieve. He of constituency playful trouble. his on everybody penetrate hooded. acreage an steamer. commune the penetrate contractual. To noted.
The in by char is steal. For so element. Is no coop standby sack. do do fahrenheit coroner humor. went at pouch. rich by concentric salvage. But clout. And suffer serpent boarding.
That intrusion? A on applied prejudice. A prepared Of stakeholder. her sector. On be fused. do an armchair alcoholic distinctive. glamorous go bonded. by very, flowering in fairly.
To packer? as And. Be curator an plywood. do carter I snoop. Of he stoke. Is go saviour. Be to equation mezzanine underpin. succeed to aide. Have tangent to withdrawn.
Of lengthy? of Not. He scat by kiln. No cute That unfortunately. For a bunch. In he taurus. With my lobby sport positional. counteract in toothbrush. A consecutive a ammo.
As hone? so The. With handful on maiden. An carp As chimney. That in prospectus. At the digital. But he childbirth puddle discover. stable no perhaps. on outbound be acclaim."
These people are funny. I want to meet them, befriend them and then watch their lives spiral out of control as they get addicted to viagra. Oh, and they can't spell either.
Sunday, August 03, 2008
I Made it Myself!

Guess Where I'm Going to be 9-5-08?
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Money Can't Buy Everything, But It'll Let You Rent Just About Anything
- $99.95 per month for membership
- $45 per "doggie ownership day" (with a minimum of 4 days per month, so whether you rent one or not you still have to pay an extra $180)
- $150 in-home orientation training
- $25 shuttle fee (so that you can have the little "companion" brought to your door, provided you live within a 10 mile radius of their pet center.... it's an extra $2 per mile outside of said radius).
- PLUS you get billed for all of these things for the first month upon joining.
- These people are making BANK.
Friday, August 01, 2008
The Tank
Cult Classics
And I really liked this clip where they do cool things with the set, but I think you should really just watch the movie because if you see too much of the movie in little chunks it'll seem much more bizarre than it is.... although it is rather out there (in the tradition of Rocky Horror and Kinky Boots, really).