Monday, August 11, 2008

I Feel Sad Inside...

So I was on, whiling away the seconds when I saw today's free gift (it's a stupid thing where you can send your friends little icons... or something. They're usually promotional so I don't usually care.) and today's just happened to be a pair of pink bunny ears that say "The House Bunny" next to them. I thought "Oh goodie! A movie about a bunny that lives in a house! That's cute..." so I decided to google it and see what I get. Instead of a cute (probably animated) little bunny friend I get CLEAVAGE. All up in my face. So I think "That's unexpected... but surely the whole situation is salvageable. Maybe it's a good movie?!" So I clicked farther in and closer to my doomed high expectations for humanity. Finally, just to confirm all of my "Oh dears," I hunted up the trailer. Sigh.... so now I'm sitting on the floor with MY house bunny eating ice cream out of the tub. I think that's really the only remedy at this point.

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