This past weekend was a bit rough, what with all the forgetting, accidents and other
booboos and last night was my ASL IV final story which went passably well. So this morning I decided to treat myself to breakfast. I'm not sure that it really counts because I did have to make it myself AND I still have to clean it up... or perhaps if I leave it long enough flies will do it for me..... or maybe not. In any case, I woke up and picked the few blueberries growing on the surprise blueberry bush in the backyard and made myself some slightly burned ground-oat blueberry pancakes complete with Olympia Co-op syrup in my
mr. piggy ceramic
pourer thing.

And then I went outside to check my garden like I do most mornings... just to see if that darn tomato has turned red yet. It hadn't, but I discovered about ten little baby tomatoes starting to bulge up on various limbs, so that's exciting.
Oh, and before I forget, our yard is covered in spiders. They like to build webs between the trees, bushes, ferns, grass, twigs... anything! I just trundle right through their efforts every day, but they don't really seem to care. So the picture above is of one of our ten million web-building-spiders. The other ten million just happen to be located
inside the house, so I'll spare you those pictures. I've manage to catch and release about five of them, the rest are hanging out on our vaulted ceiling, well out of reach.

This is my ever so satisfied squash plant. It has one happy 1.5 inch long yellow squash and a couple more flowers.... I have yet to decide what I'm going to do with it when I move. I think I'm just going to leave it because it doesn't seem worth digging up, hauling home and leaving in a pot to whither away slowly. The tomato plant, on the other hand,
totally worth it.

And these are my two remaining broccoli plants. The other ones bolted and had only the tiniest broccoli on them anyway. While I don't think I'll ever grow broccoli again for food, I will grow them for decoration because they really are
weirdly rubbery blue plants.

With very pretty kind of
viens. It reminds me of some sort of marine animal... like a beluga whale, or a big fishy. Anyway,
I think they're cool.
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