A couple months ago on my usual bus ride to school I was looking out the window because it was better than staring at the guy with the dreads two rows up who was covered in really bad tattoos.
Now, you may ask, "How do you remember that guy after so long?" Answer: I don't, there's ALWAYS a guy with dreads and bad tattoos on the bus so I figure it's a pretty safe bet that that's the reason I spotted the goats in the first place. And NOW you might be asking yourself "Did she just say goats?" Answer: Why yes, yes I did.
We were driving past one of those bioswales or whatever, you know... the giant grassy valleys they put next to parking lots to trap water and such in, when I noticed large, brown, furry things running around among the blackberries and tall weeds. And THEN I saw the sign hanging on the chain link fence surround the swale-ness. Goat Trimmers. Amazing! Someone had rented out goats to trim their city-mandated mess of greenery. Now THAT'S dedication! I mean really... just look at their crazy prices, but imagine how many cool-points you could score from your friends, or these people by going THAT green!? Of course, it does require a truck and trailer to transport said ruminant bodies to places like the Target parking lot I first spotted them in, but meh, who cares? They're GOATS!
A Book Wheel
The Bookwheel, invented in 1588 by Italian engineer Agostino Ramelli, was a
heavy, 600-pound wooden rotating bookcase that let scholars easily use up
to ei...
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