Thursday, February 28, 2008
Ohhh French Canada, You're so Funny!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Tab! You're It!

Bun in the Yard
Sunday, February 24, 2008
My Grandparents

Plants, Water, Fishies and Pavilions... It Must be the Classical Chinese Garden!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Manos: The Hands of Fate
Here is some trivia from this stellar box-office hit:
- the movie was filmed with a handheld camera that could only record 32 seconds of film at a time. The film was shot without sound; all lines were later dubbed by only three people.
- only two members of the cast were paid for their performance were Jackey Newman (a three year old girl) and the Doberman. Jackey got a bicycle and the Doberman got a bag of dog food, every other member of the cast was to by paid by a cut of the movie's profits, which, of course, never materialized.
-The word "Manos" is Spanish for "hands". The title literally reads "Hands: The Hands of Fate."
In other words, every aspect of this movie is brilliant.
What Book are You?
I saw this quiz on Star's livejournal and she was Watership Down, my all time favoritest book in the world, so I thought I'd give it a go. I love Babar, so it worked out.
You're Babar the King!
by Jean de Brunhoff
Though your life has been filled with struggle and sadness of late,
you're personally doing quite well for yourself. All this success brings responsibility,
though, and should not be taken lightly. Life has turned from war to peace, from damage
to reconstruction, and this brings a bright new hope for everyone you know. These hopeful
people look to you for guidance, and your best advice to them is to watch out for snakes.
You're quite fond of the name "Celeste".
Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.
The Geoduck Union released the video footage of the Valentine's Day riots here on campus. Here are some of the comments students gave CPJ (Cooper Point Journal) writers about the riots:
"The melee that occured gave Evergreen a bad name" Jimi Sharp.
"I think it's crap that Hip Hop Congress had to come out at 3 a.m. to clean up. People didn't think about who had to clean up" Serena Powers.
"Impressive display of white privilege on the part of the Caucasian students. The repercussions would have been different on a more ethnically diverse campus. The majority of the crowd was white" Sky Cohen.
"It's not fair to Evergreen cops to have reacted this way. It was ridiculous" Sean Parker.
In the Cooper Point Journal there was an article about the "Student Reactions to Riot" by Jason Slotkin. In it there is a quote from Alexandre Chateaubriand that I think sums up what I think about this business:
"I saw the vandalism on the CRC that said 'Welcome to Evergreen' with an anarchy symbol, and it was really frustrating to me because that's not my cause and I understand that it is some students' cause, but all of a sudden it was alll of us... And we have to continue talking and make it understood that there are 5000 students here who all have different voices and all have a different point of view on this."
Here are the videos the Union released. They're on Youtube, so you can enjoy them there as well.
The basic timeline for the idiocy is as follows:
9:30: Concert starts, there are volunteer security workers in attendance but aren't wearing identifying markers. Reports of activity begin which include marijuana use, fighting, inappropriate contact between male and female attendants.
11:00: Reports of dangerous activity begin to filter in.
12:00: one offender is identified and the Evergreen Police services is called, they respond within the hour, and Officer Meyers arrives and arrests and African-American man.
1:00: Suspect is identified and arrested but not charged. The Officer and suspect leave the building and are approached by 12 attendees who question the arrest. Meyers calls the Thurston County Police to the scene to take statements because it is against policy to take statements while a suspect is in custody.
1:30: More attendees gather around the Police car and begin to throw objects and kick the car, the Thurston police arrive and begin to clear the area using batons and pepper spray.
2:00: Meyers interviews and releases suspect. She is then hit with pepper spray. Two Officer's cars are immoble because of environmental or mechanical issues, one car is then abused and flipped.
2:30: Crowd disperses and the car is towed away.
3:30: Show organizers are left to clean the debris (glass and trash) along with students working in Housing until 5 or 6 in the morning.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Really? REALLY?
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: "And they called it a riot, I called it an uprising..." REVISED
Date: Mon, February 18, 2008 6:16 pm
The meeting will now be at 5 PM
Community Meeting, Thursday, 5PM, Library Basement.
Now that frustration with the police and momentum for change has madeitself evident, we as a community need to discuss what our next steps willbe in building a movement and a strategy to remove the presence of police> from our campus and our lives. We need to formulate strategic demands and actions. All Power to the People!
But WAIT I just got another e-mail in my box right when I posted this the first time. Thank you Larry.
Hi folks, It is my understanding that some folks have been handing video to the police and talking with the police in the hopes that that will make them act reasonably and end the investigation. I hate to be the one to have to say this, but don't do this! The Miranda warning is accurate. Anything you say can and will be used against you. The most innocent appearing thing can be twisted. The police are not trying to resolve the situation. They are being very up front about their purpose; they are investigating to see who they can charge. Don't help them. Study, look at the role of the police in this society historically. They are not your friends. Even if they've helped you at some time in the past in your life. That is not their role here; their role is to find someone to blame and to prevent and deter a deeper analysis of what happened. there is an ongoing problem. Look at this critically, learn from history, and please, attend a know your rights training. Ask LeGrand, ask us. We're happy to get together and give one. Being nice doesn't keep you safe; being smart does.
Yours in Struggle,
Monday, February 18, 2008
Brithday Birthday Birthday Day of Birthie-ness
Cake had dinosaur sprinkles, chocolate frosting, little round crunchy sprinkles, captain crunch, marshmallows and huge Ikea candles. Plus, I'm getting younger because I only had four candles. Four was a good year anyway so I'm not too worried about it.
Katherine and Peter gave me bunny peeps and a bunny drawing for my birthday (infinitely appropriate, I think). Towards half way or somewhere during the party we decided to nuke the bunnies. Not the real Monty, but the little neon pink squishy ones. This was not as exciting as it sounds. But it did give us flat road-kill bunnies.
The present.
Before and after shots from the day after.