This is a silly post, but one that I'm going to put up anyway because I can and that's just how it's going to be.
I've been collecting can tabs for... oh about a year now. I don't really drink anything that comes with a tab so I've been getting them from my Grandparents and Star. That's pretty much it really, so all these tabs are from two people, except a couple from Katherine because it's getting towards the end of the quarter and she's running on energy drinks and caffeine.
I have a couple vague ideas of projects that I could use these for. But since it IS almost the end of the quarter I'm going to content myself with blogging about these tabs instead of actively doing anything with them. I guess homework SHOULD come first, that's the theory anyway.

These are the two shapes tabs generally come in. Squarish and roundish.

These are the colors I have. The green ones I know come from energy drinks... the light blue I think are from cream sodas from Star, I think, but the rest are a mystery. If you know, then maybe you shouldn't drink so much soda that you know what color the tabs on the cans you're swilling from are.
The plain silver tabs make up the majority of my collection. They fill one of those Lucerne yogurt tubs I have a bajillion of (it's tasty yogurt and the containers are handy for flower pots, to hold extra powdered sugar and to hold the rocks from my mosaics). I'm not at the stage of procrastination where I feel desperate enough to actually count them all, but I think it's safe to say that you people drink ALOT of soda. None of these are from the cans that litter Evergreen's campus, or the ones I see by the side of the road (though I am tempted to take those too, it's just a little weird (I DO pick them up and throw them away when I see them, you naughty litterbugs you)).
Drink up mateys! Arrrrr...
oooooh! I have an Idea!!! Can we all make guesses about the number of tabs in the yogurt thing and have the person who guesses closest get the prize? Please!? PLEASE!!
Yes, yes we can.
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