We were bored. We’d explored Olympia, campus and the rental house so it was time to move on to bigger and better things: Tacoma. Exciting point number 1: I drove. I can’t parallel park (not really, and especially not on my own). Cities, therefore, have a special place in my heart (and hell) because of my lack of skills.
We got there and parked near the Museum of Glass and the Tacoma Art Museum. Closer to the TAM, but whatever. Those who make the distinction are picky (Dharyll). Anywho, back the story. We parked there, started to walk around and then it started to frinkle. Frinkling is NOT sprinkling. Frinkling is even more indecisive than a nice, hearty sprinkle of rain. But then it started to sprinkle and then rain in earnest. So we went into the Museum of Glass’ gift shop. I touched some magnets, peered at some books and then thought about walking back into the rain way before we actually did it. Of course I didn’t have an umbrella or a hood so everything got a little wet.
On the way back to the car Dharyll and I found this crazy little popcorn store run by these two old ladies who were more than excited to tell you all about the different varieties they stocked. We liked them so we got three different kinds. By the time we got done talking about jawbreakers and kettle corn it’d stopped raining.
We got back in the car, headed south on I-5 and wound up at Cabela’s at exit 111 (not that you care about that little detail, it just makes me feel better to list them out). Exciting point number2: Cabela’s, in essence, is a Disneyland for the bloodthirsty modern hunter in all of us. Dead animals on every surface, a sweet aquarium with cat fishes, ghillie suits, guns, camouflage pacifiers for the mini, future hunters. Crazy times, but I think my new favorite place.
Happy birthday, dear Hannah ;-)
I love that you've inherited your father's sense of humor ( c l e a r l y ) and then some!
reminds me of the chronicles of narnia...
you are too funny and adorable. i hope you're having a fabulous birthday. i can't wait for the party tomorrow!
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