Sunday, January 27, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008
5tar and Hannah, Together at Last....
Today, like all fantastic days, started with me eating three of Star's cookies, she makes crazy-delicious oatmeal-raisin cookies, and reading a paragraph of this crazy communist newspaper that Jessie and Ben have year-long subscriptions to. the reason it was only a paragraph was because it took me that long to struggle through it, the writing was THAT horrible. I'll have to post some examples later when my brain recovers from having to translate paragraph long sentences into normal person-speak. But that deserves and entire post to itself.
Anyway, Star and I got rolling around 2 and went to Joann's to pick up puff paint, some fabric and whatever miscellany we found on the way, which turned out to be more miscellany than the stuff we actually came for... but I guess that's half the experience. I wound up getting some fabric for a skirt which I can tell you right now, will be awesome. Awesome in the true sense of the word. The colors will BLOW YOUR MIND. And it was all on sale, so that's twice the fantasmic-itude. Star got some puff paint to decorate her ceramics apron, a little dollar white erase board for her fridge (the magnet on the marker part came unglued the instant it came out of the package so of course we found it in the dollar bin), some Hello Kitty stickers, a teeny tiny pot and seed package that, once you soak it in water, will start to sprout... in theory and lastly a pair of knitting needles, but we forgot the yarn part. We made a little pit stop by Ace Hardware and bought a two dollar bag of potting soil for all the 5o cent plants we picked up at Top Foods a while ago (they're pretty little flowers... Star'll know the names but I can't remember).
We went back to the Glen and on the way Star found these....
They're just growing off the sides of the buildings. I don't know what that says about the insulation.... probably nothing good, but heck, I don't live there (suckas!).

The end. That was our day.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Oh, and I was Productive Today
We're Goin' on a Bear Hunt, Gonna Find a Big One!
Gra-fi-TAY above the artisan well/spring thing in the parking lot near the Vault I think. I still don't trust that water, but all the homeless people do so it must be safe.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
As If!
I didn't think my day could get any better. I was the only one who actually finished the homework for today (to be fair it was the first 50 chapters of Moby Dick, but really...), I got out of class early AND I found this clip.
Ultimate of ultimates.
Soooo Dirty...
So every once in a while I like to check up and see who's been visiting Greenerliving so I click on my little tracker thing that I added for just this purpose. If you're curious it's above the "blog archive" section of the blog on the left hand... no wait, scratch that, the RIGHT hand side of the screen.
Anyway, I can see all sorts of magical things like what kind of computer people are using to see this website, where they're seeing it from (just to the city level, so I can usually guess at who's looking at it but not enough for me to see into your house or anything sinister), where people are coming from (usually Star's or Corbin's blogs) and (this is where all of this paragraph becomes relevant) what sort of things people are searching for within my blog. There are the usual suspects: Oly. Underwear, living greener, and just pope'in around, but then the very last search phrase caught my eye:
Now, I know I've never said anything like that on here, so what are people searching for? Star, are YOU a dirty hooligan? Ben? Katherine? No, I didn't think so. But whatever. To all you people who are searching for Dirty Hooligans, I hope you find them amongst all these silly bunny pictures and stories about men's underwear.

p.s. Star says I can't post anything without adding a picture and I'm starting to think she's right. It just makes everything so much cooler and more accessible for those of us who are struck down by the ADHD. This is a sweet screen capture of the said data that made me laugh and laugh a few minutes ago.
P.s.s. I totally had to look up how to do a screen capture online. Thank you internet for making things having to do with the internet more internetable. Or something.
P.s.s.s. Is it P.p.s or P.s.s.? I can't remember, maybe I should google that sucker.
Oh, and a last note, it turns out I DID use the words "Dirty Hooligans" at some point. But the point still remains that someone must be crazy to have remembered that and then actuallly searched for it on the blog. This doesn't count as me being wrong either, so there.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Make Me a Mosaic Mister!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Risk! The Game of Champions...
This is me winning... and by winning I mean managing to hold out for five extra dice-rolls than I expected. Go Western United States!
Good game Dharyll, next time I'll win.
On a completely unrelated note, but also semi-related, I'm not allowed to touch knives. I cut myself just about every time I even THINK about knives. Today, however, Dharyll was giving me flac about it. I totally managed to take out, open and then close that silly knife he has in his pocket without cutting myself. Which was great, because it furthered my cause that I should be allowed to handle sharp objects. But, the kicker is that as soon as Dharyll left I went to cut a piece of bread from that tasty cinnamon bread I baked this weekend and completely sliced open my finger. So much for fine motor skills, or planning ahead as far as how to hold the bread while cutting. Ah well, a little more protein, a little more color and some extra ingredients for those pieces of bread I managed to cut off before my little slip.
Pet Ownership Rocks!
Anyway, so I’m in the kitchen doodling around with some cinnamon raisin bread I’m baking (which turned out just dandy, if I do say so myself) when I feel an insistent nudge against my ankle. I look down and see Monty’s little face peering at me. He then takes off for upstairs. I thought,
Now, this is usually fine. He likes to wrestle with my comforter and flop around on the bed all the time. This time, however, there’s a mischievous glint in his eye as he soars through the foot of air from the ground to my bed. He turns around, stairs right at me and the proceeds to pee all over my bed. I catch him half way and haul him down the stairs into his now conveniently located bachelor pad in the living room and quickly try to salvage my bed. No good. So right now we’re not talking. He’s mad about something in the same way cats get mad at their people and then yack in that person’s slippers. And then I thought, " You know what? Right now you live in a nice, warm house with all the food you want AND I didn't get you neutered when you went to the vet mister, so you have no reason to be peeing on my bed." So, really, I should have some sort of automatic get-out-of-jail-free card right about now.