It was very cold today. It even snowed a little. So, Star (I mean 5-Tar... I'll talk about that in a minute) decided to have a date day involving cupcakes, puff paint and all manner of good things along those lines. I made my way over to the Glen at noon solid which is a pretty good time... plenty of time to wake up and diddle around a little, Star even managed to get a shower in before I got there.
Today, like all fantastic days, started with me eating three of Star's cookies, she makes crazy-delicious oatmeal-raisin cookies, and reading a paragraph of this crazy communist newspaper that Jessie and Ben have year-long subscriptions to. the reason it was only a paragraph was because it took me that long to struggle through it, the writing was THAT horrible. I'll have to post some examples later when my brain recovers from having to translate paragraph long sentences into normal person-speak. But that deserves and entire post to itself.
Anyway, Star and I got rolling around 2 and went to Joann's to pick up puff paint, some fabric and whatever miscellany we found on the way, which turned out to be more miscellany than the stuff we actually came for... but I guess that's half the experience. I wound up getting some fabric for a skirt which I can tell you right now, will be awesome. Awesome in the true sense of the word. The colors will BLOW YOUR MIND. And it was all on sale, so that's twice the fantasmic-itude. Star got some puff paint to decorate her ceramics apron, a little dollar white erase board for her fridge (the magnet on the marker part came unglued the instant it came out of the package so of course we found it in the dollar bin), some Hello Kitty stickers, a teeny tiny pot and seed package that, once you soak it in water, will start to sprout... in theory and lastly a pair of knitting needles, but we forgot the yarn part. We made a little pit stop by Ace Hardware and bought a two dollar bag of potting soil for all the 5o cent plants we picked up at Top Foods a while ago (they're pretty little flowers... Star'll know the names but I can't remember).
We went back to the Glen and on the way Star found these....

GIANT ICICLES! She looks a little bit like a scary bag-lady who would kill you with an icicle, only to have it conveniently melt leaving no trace of the murder weapon. Not only was this a CSI episode, but Star also came up with the idea when Corbin found an even bigger icicle earlier that morning. Much like...

They're just growing off the sides of the buildings. I don't know what that says about the insulation.... probably nothing good, but heck, I don't live there (suckas!).

So we got back to her apartment and made totally home made (well...... we didn't make the sprinkles, but it's close enough) cupcakes. Which are delicious.

I really like cream cheese frosting so I'm glad we made chocolate-cream cheese frosting for these.

Star likes to fling the sprinkles when she decorates so naturally some of them wound up in the butter on the counter and we thought, why not add more?! And really, there's no good reason NOT to put sprinkles in your butter. Plus, later Star made me a tastey egg sandwich and the butter she used had these sprinkles in it. When the eggs cooked, the sprinkles melted and made colorful streaks on the eggs, sort of like that nasty cake mix with the sprinkles in the batter you can buy at Safeway... you know, the one that tastes like chemicals. Star and I have now decided that any time either of us is at the other's house, we'll wait until the other person leaves, dart up and put sprinkles in their butter as a crazy surprise.... sort of like cleaning the counter with a
pair of men's underwear. Maybe you had to've been there, but it was excellent as far as I'm concerned.

And this is Star's fantastic new apron. We decorated it ourselves. I called Star 5-tar becase she thinks the S on her apron looks like a 5... and saying 5-tar makes her sound like a dinosaur... which is BRILLIANT.

The end. That was our day.
Tomorrow is another day, full of crazy times, places and new things to put in our butter.
1 comment:
such great pictures!!
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