So every once in a while I like to check up and see who's been visiting Greenerliving so I click on my little tracker thing that I added for just this purpose. If you're curious it's above the "blog archive" section of the blog on the left hand... no wait, scratch that, the RIGHT hand side of the screen.
Anyway, I can see all sorts of magical things like what kind of computer people are using to see this website, where they're seeing it from (just to the city level, so I can usually guess at who's looking at it but not enough for me to see into your house or anything sinister), where people are coming from (usually Star's or Corbin's blogs) and (this is where all of this paragraph becomes relevant) what sort of things people are searching for within my blog. There are the usual suspects: Oly. Underwear, living greener, and just pope'in around, but then the very last search phrase caught my eye:
Now, I know I've never said anything like that on here, so what are people searching for? Star, are YOU a dirty hooligan? Ben? Katherine? No, I didn't think so. But whatever. To all you people who are searching for Dirty Hooligans, I hope you find them amongst all these silly bunny pictures and stories about men's underwear.

p.s. Star says I can't post anything without adding a picture and I'm starting to think she's right. It just makes everything so much cooler and more accessible for those of us who are struck down by the ADHD. This is a sweet screen capture of the said data that made me laugh and laugh a few minutes ago.
P.s.s. I totally had to look up how to do a screen capture online. Thank you internet for making things having to do with the internet more internetable. Or something.
P.s.s.s. Is it P.p.s or P.s.s.? I can't remember, maybe I should google that sucker.
Oh, and a last note, it turns out I DID use the words "Dirty Hooligans" at some point. But the point still remains that someone must be crazy to have remembered that and then actuallly searched for it on the blog. This doesn't count as me being wrong either, so there.
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