Sunday, November 30, 2008
A Softer World

Made for Lisa
Dusty Dirt Bunny
Pin me Up and Shake me Down

She also makes these amazing sculptures out of silk.
via: craftmagazine.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Monster Silliness (I Don't Get the Appeal of the Real Thing)
Dad told me about this video made from tilt-shift photography. This guy went to a monster truck rally and set up a camera to take pictures at short intervals but the cool thing is that the tilt-shift effect makes everything look so tiny (and therefore really silly).
Metal Heart from Keith Loutit on Vimeo.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
New Bun Buns
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Don't Let it Unravel!
"Knitted World" by Sarah Cox.
Via: Craftmagazine
"An animated short that was shown at the Encounters Short Film Festival."
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Mommy Loves to Photograph Monty
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Oh NO, You Naughty Thing You!

Soooo it turns out that that Downy fabric softener crouching in the cupboard above our washing machine is made out of animal fats. Via Treehugger: "A derivative of rendered fat from cattle, sheep and horses. Just boil it down and mix with ammonium. After a series of chemical pit stops, it comes out a quaternary ammonium compound, or quat... quats effectively coat your clothing with lipids, (fats) making the fibers soft to the touch."
Oh SNAP that's gross. Seventh Generation, however, is a vegan product. For now, I'm going to be shunning that blue plastic bottle.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Felty McFelty-Pants
These Flocks

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
I Laughed Until I Sort of Snorted

Monday, November 17, 2008
Things of that Nature

Oh mUsic Videos
Pharcycle: Drop
Daft Punk: Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger (fan made)
And just about any Bjork video EVER made. Those are gorgeous. Unfortunately, our Internet connection has a limit on the amount we can use, so random youtube browsing or extended anything is off limits. You'll have to find those yourself. However, the ones here today are some that I've seen before and loved, brought to you this time by Smashing Magazine's 60 Beautiful Music Videos
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Oh Vice, You are so Funny
Apparently about 70 sheep wandered onto some ledge that was impossible to get off of and then were being harassed by wolves. People of course, seeing how helpless they were, decided to save them by tying them up in bunches to a zip line and sending them off the mountain. Way to Save the Stupid and by-pass natural selection again people. That's how we end up with retarded chihuahuas and those ridiculously adorable short-legged munchkin cats.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Mommy, How Are Gummy Bears Made?
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Oh Monty

Garfield minus Garfield
Friday, November 07, 2008
My Little Invalid
Monty feeling sad and needy.
1.) Get an x-ray of his head for $500 to see if it's his tooth (which I think it highly likely) and if so give him a $850 bit of surgery to remove the abscess and possibly the tooth (in all likelihood it doesn't even include tooth removal because the vet said they don't have the technology there to do it). Total foreseeable cost: $1,350 with the possibility that it won't work and that he won't be able to eat correctly.
2.) Shoot him full of antibiotics for a month and hope that against all expectations they actually do something. The vet said that she's gotten it to shrink bunny abscesses a few times before, but no one actually recommends doing it. Total cost: $100 and a months worth of time with Monty and, in the off chance it cures him, a happy time until the next one. Oh, and this means that I have to shove a needle under his skin but above his muscle and inject him with refrigerated antibiotics every three days on top of giving him oral doses every morning for a month. I am not good with the injection part, really not good. I try so hard but he has skin like a rhino... the cutest rhino you've ever seen. Damn rhino skin.
I chose the second one. The antibiotics should at least shrink the abscess and make it easier to deal with if I choose to go that route and they might even make it go away. Which would be nice. Right now Monty has been super cuddly, I think it's the drugs but I keep telling myself that he always loves to be held for hours and falls asleep on me all the time. He doesn't, but it makes me feel a little better. He's been getting some bananas and raisins and carrot tops as treats which make him happier than a piggie in fermented corn.