Monday, May 19, 2008

This One's for Katherine

We had a glimmer of Internet this morning during which I was able to register for classes, frantically check my mail and post some of the things to the blog that you see below, and then also attempt to try to upload this video. It failed and failed and failed again. However, on a whim I decided to go to the computer lab on campus before class (which is where I am right now, squinting at all this business I'm typing on this nasty-sticky keyboard) when it crossed my mind to search for the video to see if, after thirty minutes of spinning hourglasses, decided to upload successfully. And guess what? It did! Hurrah! However, I also have an outdated version of the Flash player required to run said video to make sure that it's actually there. So I'm going to put some blind faith in youtube and embed the video. Hopefully it's there because it's a good one! Enjoy...

Peter, hopscotching from the COM building on campus down to the field while we waited for the Space Brothers comedy show to open (15 minutes late, of course). Hope Katherine sees this and has a great day in France-land.

1 comment:

Agent Jellie said...

That was AMAZING!!!!!!!