Meet Mr. Rhubarb plant. He lives in the back yard and has TURNED INTO A MONSTER. It's like, 3 feet wide and 3 feet tall. He is the size of a morbidly obese child. I'm thinking I should probably chop off a few stalks and eat them or something but I don't know how to go about this almost murderous business. Any tips?
A Book Wheel
The Bookwheel, invented in 1588 by Italian engineer Agostino Ramelli, was a
heavy, 600-pound wooden rotating bookcase that let scholars easily use up
to ei...
We used to have a rhubarb bush in our backyard and my mother would make rhubarb pie. Unfortunately this was when I was super young so I can't tell you anything about how it tastes.
i know you have to cook rhubarb first or it will poison your liver or your kidneys or something.
Do you remember that time when hannah used to blog a lot?... and I would read it all the time and be like:
"oh I'm so a-happy to be learning about what hannah is doing! it makes me do a little sashay and triple-sow-cow. I feel so dainty and freeee!!!!" ...
I remember those times...and I wish they would come again.
oh... oh how I miss them.
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