Friday, April 11, 2008

The Place: My Room at 10:00 PM

I'm tired. Lastnight Jessie and I didn't get to sleep until about 3 (after a crraaazzyyy time at U-dorm... that's another story that isn't going to wind up on here) and then we woke up at 7-ish so that Jessie's rat Choxie could go in and get her new tumor removed. I walked home from the transit center before I was properly awake (I still had pillow marks on my face) and before I had foods. But then I got home and remedied that situation; I took a shower, got back on the bus, went to the Farmers Market, bought a hens-n-chicks plant and then came back to do some felting and quiet time with the windows open. It was quite lovely.

Then I watched My Neighbor Totoro. I watched it when I was little little, but I didn't remember an ounce of it. It's a great movie. At this point my eyes are glazed, and I'm tempted to sleep on the couch because my room seems so very far away. But I decide to let Monty out for a last minute romp while I get ready for bed. I had some clothes on my bed from sleeping over at Jessie's last night so I just pulled the jammy pants from the top of the pile and put them on. I start picking things up off the floor when I realized that the knee and hip of my pants are wet. That's odd. And then I thought, slower this time

"The knee of my pants IS WET!
It's dawned on me, and I wish it hadn't. I sweep the medley of clothes off my bed in horror. Monty, at some point, has seen fit to pee on my bed again. I rip off the blanket I had on top of everything: wet. The comforter lands in a heap in my doorway: wet. My top sheet: wet. My fitted sheet: wet. My mattress protector: wet. The cover on my down mattress pad: damp, but the down is fine.
Down Monty goes, straight back into his cage with no treats. I rip off my pants and throw them in the enormous pile of bedding in the hall. My summer sheets are out early, I have no comforter so I've hunted up all the blankets in the house and piled them on my bed. At least he missed the pillows. I still can't believe that after a good streak, he chooses tonight to do that. Plus I'm pretty sure it's been there since I made dinner when I had to go check my burbling soup, leaving him to his own devices for FIVE MINUTES.
Naughty bunny.


Ben Jammin said...

"I rip off my pants and throw them in the enormous pile of bedding in the hall." In a different context this quote could seem very alarming.

Agent Jellie said...

NAUGHTY BUNNY!!!!!! Oh dear Hannah, I'm sorry. You could always come sleep in MY bed again! You make quite a nice bed-mate! Far better than Monte... at least I HOPE you didn't pee in my bed! Oh dear.