When you go to the Greenery at Evergreen for lunch or dinner, you have the option to get a "to-go box" which you can cram full of food and take out of the Greenery. Now in the Greenery there's a sandwich bar. You can custom make a sandwich with your choice of cheese, bread, sprouts/lettuce/tomatoes/onions and the generic hummus. I usually go with a sandwich becuase they don't leak or get all over your other food and you can pretty much stuff it in a box and still have plenty of room for other things. Now, along with the sandwich bar there is the Sandwich Lady. She likes to shout (what sounds like German) at the soda machines, people within fifty feet of her, the bread knife, the stack of cheese at her elbow... essentially everything in the Greenery gets to be barked at. Jessie asked her a question, once upon a time, and was answered with
Beyond being old, crazy and allowed to wield a knife, she also likes to load sandwiches up with cheese.

This is an example sandwich.

And this is the seven pieces of cheddar cheese she slapped on top of the single tomato, two leaves of lettuce and a handful of sprouts.

Thank you Sandwich Lady.
You may not know who I am, or be able to hear me out of your right eye, but I sure know you and your complimentary seven pieces of cheese I always get at lunch.
I sure as hell am paying enough for that sandwich, I might as well enjoy a little extra dairy.