Monday, April 16, 2007

Steve is Our Master

Here's the deal. We have a game going on on the Fourth Floor of D-Dorm, Steve of course, is the master.
so the point of the game is to pretend to blow dart someone. So you hold your hand in front of your mouth and pretend to shoot a dart. The person who is darted has to fall down and pretend they're dead right where they're standing. No talking, no nothing until someone comes along and pretends to pull the dart out of your neck and saves you.

What happened last night was UNPRECEDENTED!
Steve (NOT in the picture for reasons that will soon become clear) was standing in front of the elevator so I stopped to see what was going on and BAM! He darted me. Down I go just when the doors of the elevator open. Inside are Star and Ben, already darted. I get piled in and Steve sends the elevator down to third floor. He calls it back up to fourth floor, the doors open and in goes Jullian. Repeat two more times with Jessie then James. And thus the Great Elevator Massacre was begun! He made up his little sign, took a picture and then undarted everyone.
Clockwise from left: Ben (his crotch at least), Star, James, Jessie, Me, Jullian.

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