Dad unearthed his (as he informs me) authentic "Home of Mark Twain,
Hannibal, MO." corncob pipe that he's had since he was teeny tiny. He said that with a little bit of pride mixed with embarrassment (picture in that brain of yours a life in Idaho, in the 70's, in the next town over from Napoleon Dynamite's in that movie. Yes he had that suit, yes he had a perm and YES he milked a few cows). It was a while before I realized that my jaw was starting to ache and an even longer while to remember that I had that pipe clenched between my teeth. There's something to be said for good concentration. (P.s. I LOVE it when blogger tells me there were no misspellings found at the end of these posts! Hurrah, the internets haven't corrupted me yet!)
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