Sunday, December 07, 2008

What Does Crafting Look Like?

Dad unearthed his (as he informs me) authentic "Home of Mark Twain, Hannibal, MO." corncob pipe that he's had since he was teeny tiny. He said that with a little bit of pride mixed with embarrassment (picture in that brain of yours a life in Idaho, in the 70's, in the next town over from Napoleon Dynamite's in that movie. Yes he had that suit, yes he had a perm and YES he milked a few cows). It was a while before I realized that my jaw was starting to ache and an even longer while to remember that I had that pipe clenched between my teeth. There's something to be said for good concentration. (P.s. I LOVE it when blogger tells me there were no misspellings found at the end of these posts! Hurrah, the internets haven't corrupted me yet!)

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