Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Old Time Religion
Monday, December 29, 2008
Way to Shank the Environment in the Back, Guys.

Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas Eve
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Egads! A Moose! A Mice! A MOUSE!

Poor mousy-mouse. I don't think she's going to do very well. But in the end anything is better than poison.
The trees looked so pretty on the way back to the house. Poor mousy-mouse.
Monday, December 22, 2008
It Snowed Again.
Enough to let us get some chains on the subaru and make it out to Sandy for more food. The crazy part is that when we went to get into the subaru we had to push almost two feet of snow off of everything and then up to two inches of ice off of all the important bits, like doors. Dad and I went to the store and after a crazy bit we got back in one piece.
The Evidence
It's been 6 days since I've left the house for sure. SIX DAYS. I've got plenty of yarn and fabric to mess about with but Jessie is going mad. After spending the last couple of days on the couch playing Tetris she surfaced upstairs lastnight at 8 and wanted to build a snow fort. Since she couldn't hang out with her friends in Gresham they wanted to try to do the exact same thing at the same time. That thing: build a snow fort. I'm always game for things like that so we got into our snow pants and dug a pit in the snow. Not so much a fort as it is an ice crater because when we tried to get to a good place to build it we had to punch our way through 6 inches of snow, down to a thick layer of ice and past it to another foot of snow with each step. It was a lot of effort, in the dark, in the snow, in 21 degrees. Plus the snow was all loose and powdery and no amount of hitting it could make it stick together. So, we have an ice crater in our yard.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Map Quilts
Friday, December 19, 2008
Did Someone Say.... Finger Puppet?
The Only Thing Cuter than Regular Monty
Christmas Bunnies
Smashing Opening Sequences
One of my favorites movies is Delicatessen, and here is it's opening sequence:
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Oh NO!
So far thousands of people have added their names to an ipetition (have YOU ever heard of this phenomena? I hadn't. Turns out you have to donate at least $2 to add your name... poo to that!) and plenty of crafty sources are keeping tabs on the developments. Yet another thing that sounds good in principle, but in practice it turns out to be utter poo."We've been following the CPSIA development, and it's apparent the groundswell of protest is in full swing.
Petitions are being signed by the thousands, letters are being sent to Congress, and small business owners are mobilizing to take action against what they believe are unreasonable demands being placed on them by a law that will take effect on February 10. The new legislation will mandate that every part of a child's toy and clothing be tested for lead before it can be sold to the public.
The law was passed in response to high levels of lead being found in toys manufactured in Chinese factories, but does not take into account the thousands of small businesses who make toys and clothes in much smaller numbers, and many of them by hand in their own homes or workshops. If the law goes into effect as it's currently written, they will have to pay up to thousands of dollars to test just one set of handmade goods."
Snow Does Funny Things
It's snowing here... again. It all melted yesterday so I thought I was safe when I told Star and Ben I could come meet them downtown for some shoppin' today. WRONG. I woke up this morning and it was snowing and had been snowing for a while. "Awww... I'm still good!" I thought. DOUBLE wrong. I got in the shower and by the time I got out it had gone to full scale blizzard. Still thinking I could manage, I got all bundled up and headed out the front door. It wasn't until I listened to my tires spinning uselessly in the snow that I realized I was trapped. I tried to back out three different ways, Dad tried to back it out, and all we were left with was my car blocking the Subaru, the only useful car in snow. I called Star and Ben to tell them I couldn't come and then waited while Dad tried to rearrange my car so that it wasn't such a problem. While I waited, this happened:
All snowed in!
After it stopped snowing I decided to clear off the driveway to see if that helped with the cars. Who would use a shovel to clear a driveway when you can make a perfectly AWESOME snowman? Mr. Snowman can watch you all of the time, he has eyes on both sides of his head. Creepy thing.
If you were of a mind, you could probably find more pictures of snow and housy things here, at Dad's blog.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Ohhh Toes, I Will Save You!
Anyway, that was until Presents Knits posted THESE today! The minute I opened it it was like my computer screen developed an aura and the heavens parted to let a single shaft of light through to illuminate everything and there was a chorus of singing sighs.... in short, it was glorious. THESE are glorious. I can't believe I hadn't thought of this too! Now I just need to find some stick grippers for the bottoms and I'm ready to knit these up and stick them on my feets.
Buns in the Snow
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Oh, And...
Ohhhh That Was a Mistake
Now, we're home, in one piece. There's no WAY I'd be able to brave the weather to get to Olympia at this point. I think knowing what I do now, I wouldn't have even gone to the sale! But really, I love supporting local artists, and etsy, and seeing crafty things. But I'm not ready to sacrifice my toes to do it!