"Picking up no strangers, Susan. I said that when we left Denver, and I'm sticking with it. Especially a man carrying a gun!"
- Man in car driving through town in Night of the Lepus.

As promised, I put that tremendously fantastic movie
Night of the Lepus in my
netflix queue and now I have it in my hot, sticky little hands. I thought it would be good because I mean come on, it's giant rabbits, giant rabbits eating people and more giant rabbits. But this is far better than anything I could ever have dreamed of. You can hear the bunnies coming because they have their own soundtrack: some sort of weird bubbling water sound, heavy breathing (like that creepy stalker you see in movies who calls and then sits on the line panting) and guinea pig sounds. It's amazing. Plus Janet Leigh ages a year a minute, by the end she looks like a skull with a barbie wig perched on her cranium. The rabbits live in an abandon goldmine, get blown up by dynamite, set on fire, live in a gas station, eat several families and single spinster-types, chase/kill horses, chase/kill cows, get taken out by the army when they are electrocuted on railway tracks. When a rabbit kills a person, it doesn't bother to leave any scratches... or really any wounds at all. Instead it covers it's victim in gallons of red paint and, as an afterthought tears a few holes in their pants and maybe removes a shoe. After the massacre of rabbits in the small town, I'm sure the price of fur coats
An officer pulls into a drive-in movie theater, pulls out a megaphone and calls out: "Attention! Attention! Ladies and gentlemen, attention! There is a herd of killer rabbits headed this way and we desperately need your help!"
And, in a totally related side note
this article came out a while ago, but this movie made think of it again: The offspring of the 12 giant rabbits were supposed to help to feed starving North Koreans, however, amid concerns that they have been eaten by the country’s leaders, Mr
Szmolinsky will not be sending any more
1 comment:
hannah: if i ever have the money to import one, i am buying you one of those rabbits. you will walk it on a leash, and it will be glorious.
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