Dharyll came up this weekend and we decided that since the whole weekend was tremendously sunny we should do outdoor things. Like hiking. So we took off north on 101 and went to Mt. Ellinor. It was a really pretty drive, we circled around Lake Cushman and then drove up and up and UP some mountain-ish sides when all of the sudden BAM, there was snow. It got to be about two feet deep and we were on this dirt/gravel track halfway up the side of this mountain so we parked, I pulled on my handy-dandy hiking boots and we squelched around in the snow for a while. It was 90 degrees out and sunny while we were tromping around on snow so there were some crazy hot/cold spots in the air. There were snowballs thrown, holes in the snow to get your leg stuck in, and some pretty views.
A Book Wheel
The Bookwheel, invented in 1588 by Italian engineer Agostino Ramelli, was a
heavy, 600-pound wooden rotating bookcase that let scholars easily use up
to ei...
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