Sunday, February 03, 2008

Doughnuts and Dinosaurs

I'm going to preface this post by saying "This is my Blog and I can post what I want." And that's that. Today, Dharyll and I went to OMSI and spent a couple of hours looking at dinosaur bones. This was awesome because 1.) I like dinosaurs and 2.) because OMSI rocks if ever went there when you were little. I don't care how old you are, making paper air planes and playing with electricity never gets old. Anywho, I got to walk through the baby room again (a tradition every time I go to OMSI.... all those little alien fetuses, so cool) and I got to make a paper airplane and a cut up a dixie cup and put it above a fan to watch it float around, but best of all I got to look at bones, lots of bones.
(meating-eating velociraptor-esque dinosaur, and friend)
I learned that the velociraptor on Jurassic Park the movie is bigger than the real thing (I saw "the real thing" as an animatronic twitchy dinosaur and he looked like Jurassic Park's Velociraptor's fat ugly uncle, he's the dino on the right in the video below) and there's a dinosaur that's been dug up in Asia that they've named after Michael Crichton, the author of Jurassic Park the book (which is very good, by the way, much better than the movies).
And then once we got done looking at all the pretty bones I got to make play with some brain teasers (I got all the little wooden shapes to look like an octagon, but I couldn't get six wooden sticks to make eight equilateral triangles. Oh well, that genius will have to come another day.

This is a video of the animatronic dinosaurs right before they GETCHYA!

And this is Dharyll and I dorking around with some sort of light illusion at OMSI. And this is where the "I do what I want" dislaimer comes in. This video is the best video you've ever seen and you know it. So there.

After OMSI we doodled around Portland. I took this picture,

even concrete can grow plants.

We looked for food for a while but since it was 2 o'clock and a Sunday, there wasn't much open besides the occasional bar where they were blasting the Superbowl. Eventually we went to Voodoo Doughnuts, the best doughnut place in Portland, or the whole world as far as I'm concerned. We got a Voodoo dozen (13 doughtnuts for 8 dollars). I'm not sure what all of them were called but they're gone now! Plus they do weddings so I think I'm all set for all my special occasion plans forever.


Star said...

i'm so jealous that you got to go to omsi!!!!

Anonymous said...

hannah thank you for continuing to check after all this time!! sorry to be so long without a post, but i'm back on it like a bonnet!

i Lo0O0ove your etsy's!!!!!!!!!
