I thought I'd just keep posting to satisfy the crack-like persistance some people have when it comes to checking this blog.
I'm taking three classes this quarter:
The Art of the Mosaic
American Sign Language I
American Literature of the 1850's: Shaping a Nation
After a bit of flak, I updated this post with the actual class times, soooo sorry for trying to be a bit vague before.
Class times:
Monday: 6-9:30
Tuesday: 3-5
Wednesday: 6-9:30
Thursday: 3-5 and 6-9:30
Classes end on March 13th and then I'm free! For about two seconds and then it's Spring quarter.
You can click on the classes to go to the descriptions on the Evergreen website.
So that's pretty much me, what I'm doing and what I've done for the last week or so. I'm all caught up and off the hook for not posting in so long.
MOTHER'S DAY - tesco
I've been snapping the Mother's Day cards again - this time in Tesco. This
selection were chosen for either graphic trend or just for bright colour.
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