Ok, this is what crack does to you. Don't do drugs!
Oh, wait, wrong post.
This is what mosquitoes do to me. Don't do mosquitoes!
You know who you are.
And no, I'm not going to die/loose my arm/get malaria. This is just how my bod. deals with mosquitoes here. Sucks to be me for the next week or so.
Poor thing! I am so sorry!
oh dear. you have two knees.
More Severe Reactions to Mosquito Bites: "Skeeter Syndrome"
More severe reactions -- rather than the typical itchy red bump experienced by most people as a result of a mosquito bite -- occur less commonly. These may result in blistering rashes, bruises, or large areas of swelling at the bite sites. People who experience extremely large areas of swelling after a mosquito bite (such as swelling of most of an arm or leg, for example) have been dubbed as having "Skeeter Syndrome."
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