a lady friend. It's no secret. While I seem to have become his lady-friend-substitute, the best I can do is give him some pets and carrots. There's no quality groom time... or quality time of other sorts. This doesn't mean that he'll get one any time soon (or at all... you know he's got to get some alterations done before we can have a lady in here without the potential twelve mini-Montys showing up every sixty days for the rest of their lives). Someone over at Vice Magazine had some similar trouble and here's his little thing about Bunny Dates. Please, no bunnies people. I'd love to have them but the house gods have said no.

This is the potential photo for Monty's "Lonely Buns" add.
Soooo suave... so Gunther (warning, Gunther not safe for everybody (NSFW!)).
Soooo suave... so Gunther (warning, Gunther not safe for everybody (NSFW!)).
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