I finally went to the feed store down the road to get Monty some hay. I used to go to this feed store with mummy when I was little to get hay, look at all the baby chicks in the backroom and even MORE specifically to coo over the bunnies in the very back room. Now, I love bunnies I really do. But there are so few times when I actually see any, other than Mr. Monty-pants, and when I can find them in groups of more than ten I get absolutely giddy. Burns feed store is one of those places. I'd more or less assumed that Burns had stopped carrying rabbits. Not from any sort of proof or anything, I'd just used my child-logic that once I stopped going there, the bunnies wouldn't be there either. After all, bunnies are only there to be cute for me, right? When I stopped in yesterday I slowly walked back there and opened both sets of doors, dreading the idea that there would be no bunnies and all those cages would be empty and lonely. Instead there were about ten bunnies of different sizes and friendliness. I'm still a little dreamy-eyed about that. I picked a couple out and held them for a while. Most of them were Rex bunnies which means they were obscenely soft, they made Monty feel like a bristle brush.
I got a little misty, took some deep breaths and went back to the front to buy my hay. Now I know where I can get my fix and when those sad days happen to pop up, I know where I can fix them!
Speaking of bunnies and cute things, here are some of my own.
I reallllly like the second one. I have to tell you, however Hannah, it is unkind to make a post titled "New Bun Buns". This induces a total freak-out on my part caused by the assumption that you have a new friend for Monte. Oh man... bunnies. :)
yeah, i thought the same thing as jessie and got SO excited for baby bunnies hopping around your yard. i was about to steal a car and be there ASAP, consequences be damned
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