Sunday, October 19, 2008

Jessie Visits

Jessie came home sometime yesterday afternoon for a short visitation. This morning when we went out for breakfast she spied the new hat I made from that pattern I bought (haven't even put pictures up until now it's that new) and asked "Hey... can I try that on for a second?" It's been on her head ever since and she's taking it with her as an early Christmas present. I'll just have to make myself a new one now won't I?
And then she wanted to hold Monty for a while and he was incredibly good. Usually he'll let himself be cuddled for a couple of seconds and then he's outta there but he lay there for a good long while before deciding he was mussed up enough for the day.
Coma bunny!

He kept getting limper... and more limp... until finally he was softer than a wet noodle.

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