Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Busy Busy Finger-Bees

Sooo.... I haven't completely been sitting around twiddling my thumbs the last two weeks. I've been puttering around the new house attempting to be an extra pair of hands, I braved the dreaded DMV for my brand-spakin'-new license, I struggled through the hours at the bank to change my washington account to the (apparently) alien Oregon account in the SAME bank. Oh, and I made this little fellas who'll be making an appearance in the etsy shop shortly. I'm going to be making them some little fabric houses to go with whatever of them don't sell before I get around to it. Anyway, enjoy:

Bun bun

I think perhaps Spore has been influencing this one.... but that's only mostly likely.
Bird bird... bird in a tree.And finally another Spore-esque hand-holdable.

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