This one!

Ka-CHING! Jessie graduated today from Hockinson High School (and I think we'll all be happy to never have to set foot back in that building again).

Monty... pooped from an entirely stressful day of napping.

Jessie, Dad and Willow in a last minute attempt at photos before we had to hustle the hour commute back to the high school.

All we, standing in the drive.

Poppi, Mom, Nea Nea and Jessie.

Janet and Poppi

Nea Nea

Emma surprised that the five millionth time she asked when Jessie was going to get up was actually the right time.
Jessie, doing the walk.

Kyle, Jessie and Chris afterwards.
It was hot and sweaty crammed into that gym but nice outside. Yuck.

Dad, taking a picture of me taking a picture. But his version includes the sweet iPhone. This ridiculousness is only enhanced by the iPhone's myserious powers (
the same powers that keep Evan alive and RULER OF THE UNIVERSE... and all things Mac-ish).



Jessie and Chris.

Joyce and Dad. Nea Nea claims that Joyce, Dad and I all have the same nose but I guess we come by it honestly.

Jessie, leaving the Hockinson parkinglot for the last time. SWEET!
More to come tomorrow after the graduation paaarrrtay!
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