Saturday, May 24, 2008

Folklife 2008

Jessie, Paul and I went to Folklife in Seattle today!
A very tiny percent of the other people doing the same things we were.
Including the "you're all going to hell" group....

And then these dim-wads who were standing next to the angsty conservatives. Yes, their sign does say "We're all high NO ONE CARES" in response to the anti-everything crazies standing next to them.
So we wandered around for a good long time looking at all the folk crafty doodles and admiring folkie-skirts. And then I found the dumpling stand. They had apple dumplings with cider sauce and very very tasty ice cream. I think that not buying wasn't even an option. This was the before...
.... and the after. Sigh... I couldn't even finish it it was so tasty.

Here's a didgeridoo man who rocked out for about four hours straight. He definitely got money in his hat.
And here's a crazy man who sat in front of a box with a video game control perched on it. He would wait until someone picked it up and "played his game". This is his game. Enjoy...

1 comment:

Jacob said...

Jessie told me all about your apple dumplings. I had to check them out. Thanks for the pic. Great blog, i love Monty!