Sunday, April 06, 2008

Who Knew I Had a Type?

Mummy sent me a personality/career thingy that made me realize that I fit rather neatly into the ENFP category.

People of this type tend to be: enthusiastic, talkative, and outgoing; clever, curious, and playful; deeply caring, sensitive, and gentle; highly innovative, creative, optimistic, and unique; adaptable and resourceful but sometimes disorganized.The most important thing to ENFPs is freedom to see possibilities, make connections, and be with a variety of people.

That sounds about right. Just about perfectly right. The careers that the test tells me I would like are pretty much spot on to what I think I would like:
  • Journalist/magazine reporter
  • Graphic Designer (uh oh... sounds familiar don't it?)
  • Art Director
  • Copywriter
  • Psychologist
  • Inventor (yeah.. that's right. Gonna invent me a diaper for rabbits pretty soon)
  • Human Resources Professional (I don't know what this is and Monster isn't about to tell me)

In addition to Monster's list, also tells me I would like being a/an:

  • Child welfare counselor

Beyond that, the lists are identical. I'm not sure if they just copy and pasted the list from each other or if it's just a crazy coincidence. On a related note there are two other links from the ENFP description that caught my eye.

The first was "How to Love an ENFP" which was amusing. It's vaguely right. I do like harmony, and I like being encouraged to do stuff, but that's all pretty basic I think.

Anyway, the second list was "How to Communicate with ENFP's".

This list says that ENFP's are easy to spot because they are:

  • High energy, friendly, and good natured.
  • Imaginative, fun loving, and off beat
  • Curious; discussions shift quickly from one topic to another
  • Warm, concerned, and eager to help solve problems

Also, the tips for actually communicating with my crazy species are pretty great:

  • Focus on interesting and innovative possibilities and new ways of solving problems
  • Don't overwhelm them with facts and details
  • Keep things relaxed, warm and flexible

All in all I'm a little unnerved that everything I thought consisted of what made me a little unique could so easily be put into a few words from a four question personality quiz. As much as I hate to admit it, these are all pretty true. Just talk to me for ten minutes and see how long I stay on-topic... that should show you how right this whole doodle was.


Star said...


Life as an INFP
(Intravert, Intuitive, Feeler, Perceiver)

People of this type tend to be quiet, reserved and kind; deeply passionate, sensitive and easily hurt; loving and dedicated to those close to them; creative, original and imaginative; curious and flexible in small matters; nonconforming.

The most important thing to INFPs are their deeply held beliefs and living in harmony with their values.

Great careers for INFPs

Here are just a few popular and often satisfying careers for people whose Personality Type is INFP:

* Psychologist
* Human resources professional
* Physical therapist
* Researcher
* Translator / interpreter
* Legal mediator
* Employee development specialist
* College professor: humanities
* Massage therapist
* Social worker
* Librarian
* Fashion designer
* Editor / art director

Star said...

Oh, yes and how to love me:

How to Love an INFP

* Appreciate my uniqueness and sensitivity.

* Be a patient and supportive listener.

* Respect my privacy and my need for emotional intimacy.

* Be reassuring and gentle in your words and actions.

* Try not to force decisions too quickly, or bug me about being messy.

* Above all - respect my feelings and never demand that I compromise my values.