CLASSES ARE OVER! Now I can get on with whatever I've been saying is more important than school. Like knitting. Or petting Mr. Monty-buns. Here are the remains of the day, the final pictures of my mosaics and then the rest of the classes'.
These are pictures of my classmate's mosaics.
Someone did a gourd, an idea that I don't think would have ever occurred to me.

Someone else did a mould of a pregnant belly and then mosaicked over the surface of the plaster. Apparently the woman whose bod. it was went into almost immediate labor once they were done. The piece was too big to bring to class but I thought the pictures were neat anyway.
Chick-chick CHICKEN

This piece was gorgeous. The woman who made it spent the entire quarter on it and I think the end result is stunning. It's a mosaic of her puppy, he's eleven weeks old today.

The light actually comes through on this one because the glass was glued onto plexi-glass so that Jen could hang it in her window.
This last piece was the most amazing work I think I've ever seen, let alone a student project. Noah is also in the Neon art class and works as a studio aide within the neon studio so he combined this mosaic of space with neon to make something truly amazing.
Detail around the sun.
The full piece. It's actually in three separate pieces but they're meant to be seen as one piece.
The Earth.
Peace and Uranus.
The sun.
The whole piece from the opposite end.
Or Pluto. Or Saturn. I can't remember which has the ring or rings.
The final presentations went well, but I'm glad it's over and I can get some sleep (I got about four hours of sleep because I still hadn't finished gluing tesserae onto my vase at 3 am this morning, let alone grouted the darn thing. But then, what is art without sleep deprivation?)
1 comment:
that's actually a yin-yang symbol, not a peace sign :-)
awesome pictures though!!!
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