Thursday, September 13, 2007

It's Cooktime with Majorge!

Star and I made some kick ASS cupcakes... or should I say upcakes. Cupcakes will forever be known as "upcakes" on this blog, before I forget.

So these are the beautimous upcakes. They look like little moons with asteroid divits in them. Trust me, even upcakes that look like moons are tastey, so by default, ours are pretty amazing.

Aaaannnddd... this is where it gets tricky. We rocked the upcakes partially because they were so easy to make, and only happened to come from a box. But frosting is just better when made at home from scratch. Not so lardy that way. However, homemade frosting does not come from a box, thus the minor set back.

So we read off the ingredients, made sure we had them all and then went to town. At least it LOOKS like I'm reading the recipe. Really, all I'm doing is skimming the ingredients and ignoring the actual directions. Who needs 'em anyway? Suckas do, that's who. And I'm no sucka.
This egg is marked. Whether that was sign of doom or fulfilled some sort of egg-prophesy, we may never know. However, I think we used that particular egg in the first batch of frosting which, in the end, turned out just fine but had a rocky beginning so that might have had something to do with the egg mark. I'm prepared to blame everything on that egg. Yup.

What these pictures DON'T show is the fact that I didn't actually READ the instructions. I just threw in all of the ingredients and then we made this powder ball that had a teensy bit of egg and butter in it. Star stuck with it and out came sugar-egg-butter paste that is better known as Butter Frosting I.
And ta-dah! It's a happy upcake. The HAPPIEST upcake, in fact.
And all of the happy upcakes family.
Soon they will all go to a better place... namely my tummy (oh, and Star's too, we can't forget about Star's tum).
Make upcakes today, and feel happy!
That's an order.

1 comment:

Star said...

you forgot to mention that the second batch was modified with cocoa powder and regular sugar! it's so special!