Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Tired of Studying? Wrestle that Knowledge Out!!

Alright, a note on the five previous posts...
Imagine yourself in Evergreen's D-dorm common room.
You've been studying and working really quite hard.
And you just need a break.
What do you do?

Don't you see why this would be a great idea?
You can get all that testosterone out of your system, beat the hell out of each other and get some of that extra energy out.
In case you can't picture these scenarios, here are some videos... for demonstration purposes only.
At least I warned you...

Leg Wrestling!

Knee Wrestling

Katherine, Anna and Star

Steve Vs. Erik

Jessie vs. The WORLD!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

My Room (Again)

This is what a college student's fridge looks like.
1 jar of strawberry jam
1 carton of soy milk
1 carton of tomato soup
1 container of peanut butter maltballs
1 peppermint patty in the freezer.
I just got my fridge so I haven't had time to load it up with orange juice or anything healthier than the maltballs. It does feel nice to have the option of storing anything I want right next to my desk though...
And then here's the rest of my room. I know it looks all cluttered, but really, everything is right where I need it and I know where everything is (and yes, I really do, promise).

And yes I DO have a roommate, but she's behind me in all of these pictures and I DIDN'T edit her out on purpose. Promise. You can even see the edge of her desk in one of the shots...

Extra Curricular Activities

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Good Bye Little Friend...

This blurry shot was taken just hours before poor poor Wanda/Wendy/Rowanda died. He was so young and had so much to live for (years of swimming in a little fish bowl in a girl's dorm room.. what more could a fishy ask for!?) and yet so little time to actually do so...

It's a Pose Off!

Anna and International Male Model fight for best pose.. who will win!?! It's a fight to the death fo' sho'. All I know is that it's EXTREMELY amusing that they're both doing the same pose with roughly the same look.

Knives and Men in the Common Room

The newest issue of International Male and Undergear have arrived at Evergreen. Thank you Ian, you've provided hours of entertainment for the girls and hours of uncomfortable silences for the boys... I think his crotch is staring at me....
And then there are the free knives on the table. Who put them there is irrelevant, who will take them, on the other hand....

Julian's New Door Decoration

Someone left the supply closet door open and being the college students we are, we took the paint cans and stacked them in front of Julian's door.

My New Hairs...