What, might you ask, is behind this door? Well, I'll tell you. Oh I'll tell you alright.

This is our newest Dorm resdient. This is 16 day-old dip from the Halloween party. Maddy made it, left, and then someone decided that instead of throwing it out, it would be a good idea to park it in the fire escape. And that little plan worked, until now. Now we know about you, you foul pot of dip. We know that you're growing, getting stronger, and simply biding your time until the dorm is ready for total domination. Oh yes, I know your little plan, my friend, I'm on to you and I'm going to keep taking pictures until you're tall enough to open that door and crawl down the halls, silently killing people in their sleep.
Or until someone throws you out.
Either way, we're going to be seeing alot of you on this blog...

Oh dear lord... someone told me that was cottage cheese and i believed them. that's the dip?!? gross!
Yeah... that dip was originally white! Snowy, pretty white... now it's a nasty cess pool!
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